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Driveways and Extended Driveways in the Park

Driveway Permit Application Form

Eco-friendly Weed-killing Info

Many lots currently have an extended driveway, and the Cooperative allows homeowners to apply for a permit to extend a driveway. A permit will be issued once a survey is conducted of the lot to determine a number of factors, including (but not limited to): the proposed location of the extension in relation to septic access & water pipes, the proposed size of the extension, the materials that will be used, and the intended purpose of the extension.

The Board is tasked with adhering to the Park Rules established by Membership. As such, the Board must insure that driveways are maintained. All driveways have always been required to be maintained, but in 2017 sand was eliminated as an allowable material, since weeds & vegetation grow through sand too easily. The Board is looking for driveway extensions that appear to be driveways and not just damaged areas of lawn.

It will take some time for many of the lots in the community to appear to be in compliance, as some homeowners have decided NOT to use an extended driveway that existed prior to their purchase of the home. They may be opting to allow the grass to re-establish. Others bought a home where the driveway was extended, but not maintained, and the current owner must adjust the materials somewhat, or rid the area of vegetation. The Board is trying to be reasonable, recognizing that time, labor and/or money may be needed.

If you receive a notice about your driveway, please contact the Board, preferably in writing, by dropping a note in the FHC Office Box in the mailhouse. You are also encouraged, as always, to attend a Board meeting (second Thursday of each month at 6:30pm in the Bartlett Shed meeting room), or call any director. But please do contact us!

We appreciate your patience as we work together with Membership to keep this community not only attractive, but also safe.

  • We have composed a flyer with alternative methods of weed-killing, for those who are struggling with vegetation growth in their driveways or walkways, but don't want to use strong chemicals. See it here
  • Check with your local garden center for other options. RoundUp offers a product that is an enzyme which prevents plants (like grass or weeds) from absorbing water through their roots. This is not harmful to animals or humans; it does however need to be re-applied as new growth emerges. But be cautious, because RoundUp also offers another product (RoundUp 365) which is a strong chemical that can be harmful. Know the products before you buy them, and use them in accordance with all instructions
  • Fabric weed black is another idea for smaller areas, to aid in the prevention of vegetation growth. Note that the driveway material you lay down on top of this fabric would need to be fairly deep to stop the fabric from moving or tearing as you drive over it, or shovel it in the winter
  • Feel free to speak with us about other materials and their availability or affordability


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