Freedom Hill Cooperative
A 148-home resident-owned community since 2002
dba Pine Ridge Estates

Please browse these pages for current information

  Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

  Park Rules

  Rent, Budget, and Financials

  Park Map

  Contact Us

  By-Laws, Articles of Incorporation,
            Policies & Procedures

  Board of Directors

  Available Homes & Application Process

  Storage Area & Application

  Bulletin Board Notices


  Volunteer Page

  Frequently Asked Questions


  Photo Gallery

  Our Water System

Welcome to our community!
It is our desire to provide a pleasant, attractive, and affordable place for people to live.

To contact the Board, please use the email address or go to the Board of Directors page for additional contact information.

Quick find:
  • NOTE: Rule change approved at annual meeting in September 2023

    Old Section 6, Rule #3: The park provides rubbish removal, and residents may put their trash out no earlier than the evening before the scheduled pick-up. Rubbish is to be kept in covered trash containers designed for that purpose and out of sight if possible.

    New Section 6, Rule #3: The park provides rubbish removal. Rubbish is to be kept in covered trash containers designed for that purpose at all times. Residents may put their trash cans out no earlier than the evening before the scheduled pick-up and removed the same day of pickup. Trash cans are to be kept out of sight if possible.

  • 05/28/24 - NEW! Updated the Board of Directors page
  • 05/11/24 - NEW! Updated the Financial Statements page
  • 05/04/24 - NEW! Updated the Meeting Minutes page

  • The posted Speed Limit is 15 mph

  • Weekly Trash Pickup is Thursdays
    (Each household may put out 5 large lawn-size bags weekly, or 10 kitchen-size)

  • An FHC box is available in the mail house to get forms, notices & questions to us quickly

  • Board meetings are the 2nd Thursday of each month in the Bartlett Shed at 6:30pm
    You are strongly encouraged to attend!

Have You Ever Wondered Why....?

© 2024 Freedom Hill Cooperative, Inc
11 Redwood Road
Loudon, NH 03307